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Canada Labour market needs international students

Canada Labour market needs international students

Colleges and educational institutions are pathways to the labour market everywhere but in Canada, the institutions suggest that professionals from abroad will be necessary to support the recovery from the pandemic. The government has also announced a special rule allowing refugees working in Canada’s health-care sector to be able to obtain permanent residency.

As far as the role of the colleges and institutes is concerned, the recovery plan states that they ought to meet the needs of students and communities in Canada and to train international students and new immigrants who can progress to work to fill the shortage gap in the job sector.

International travel has been interrupted due to the global nature of the pandemic and restricted the international students’ arrivals to Canada. The country wants to make sure that international students are still interested in coming and returning as they would become an important part of the future workforce.

The orders must be opened safely for international students and professionals.

Marco E. L. Mendicino, Canada’s Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship announced that as of December 14, the applications for permanent residence from refugees who work in Canada’s health-care sector will start to be accepted.

The educators need to help Canadians develop the necessary skills needed to succeed in the job market and additionally attract and educate international students to Canada and support them with integrating to community and transitioning to the job market.

CICan (Canada’s Institutes and Colleges) are set to help Canadian businesses through the education with an innovative approach, using the full potential of institutes’ applied research capacity in order to rebuild a resilient, sustainable and green economy.

The pandemic has uncovered the problems with an ageing population leading to labour shortages and therefore the new young educated work power is needed. Both Canadian and international students can use diverse access to education and carrier through a variety of official programmes including joint degrees and diplomas.

Colleges and institutes Canada represent the fast-growing level of study for international students and account for just under half of all study permit holders at the post-secondary level based on information in 2019. The highlight is that a majority of these students will work in Canada and intend to stay and apply for residence.

The ministry of immigration plans, by allowing temporary residents to become permanent, to reduce the issue of the ageing population and lack of labour.

The international students are a group of young potential talent that needs attention and help in their education to become employees needed in many industries in Canada.

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EdM Team

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