CEG’s new pathway with the University of Southampton

Cambridge Education Group (CEG) and Southampton University have announced a new pathways partnership to provide a foundation programme for international students.
The cooperation will enable international students to progress onto Southampton’s degrees and strengthen the university’s international community.
Professor Alex Neill from the University of Southampton, says: “We’ve partnered with Cambridge Education Group to enhance our global reach in education and attract outstanding students from across the world to the University.
The International Pathway Centre is conveniently located in the heart of Southampton’s city centre and will welcome the first groups of students from September 2021. The students taking the pathway studies will be from day one opened to the university’s community so that they can easily transition to their further degree programmes.
The foundation programme will include a strong academic curriculum alongside the English language to improve the proficiency and readiness for the degree studies.
The University of Southampton is a well known educational institution, part of the Russell group universities and it will with the help and experience of CEG bring new opportunities to more international students.
Cambridge Education Group has been delivering quality academic programmes enabling a large number of students to progress onto the world’s leading universities.
The centres are directly on the campuses of the universities in the UK, Europe and the USA. Universities that mutually benefited from the partnership with CEG are numerous and include well renowned Queen Mary, University of London, University of Amsterdam and the Illinois Institute of Technology.
The pathway centre will welcome international students in addition to the university’s community of 6,500 international students from more than 135 countries every year. The new students will benefit from an international feel in a British seaside city that is friendly and compact yet at the same time big enough to offer students a variety of activities and things to do.