Still time to apply for PhD scholarships in the UK for international students in 2022

The UK is one of the most popular destinations for international students with many top-ranked and world-class universities offering a variety of study options as well as a welcoming and multicultural study environment.
The students who wish to pursue their PhD studies can find that UK universities possess great research facilities. However, the studies in the UK come with a higher cost including tuition fees as well as living costs with accommodation rent making a big part of the expenses.
The international students who might afford the expenses may, fortunately, apply for scholarships offered by some UK universities that will allow them to study for a PhD degree.
Here are some of the educational institutions whose applications are still open for the programmes starting in 2022/23 academic year.
Leeds University Business School: International Business Department Scholarship:
The International Business Department of the Leeds University Business School is offering up to two PhD scholarships for international applicants with the deadline of 1 April 2022. One of the world’s leading universities for international business and among a handful of triple-accredited business schools in the world, this department is well-known for its exceptional research and teaching.
For more information visit: https://phd.leeds.ac.uk/funding/194-leeds-university-business-school-international-business-department-scholarship
Swansea University, the UK Research and Innovation in Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Advanced Computing:
Swansea University in Wales offers 2 scholarships to applicants for the four-year programme with the opportunity to research upon these broad areas of particle physics and astronomy, biological and health, and mathematical and computer sciences. You will be trained in artificial intelligence, high-performance computing and high-performance data analytics. Applications are encouraged from candidates from diverse backgrounds that can positively contribute to the future of our society. The training will include placements with external partners. The closing date is 11 February 2022.
For more information visit: https://www.swansea.ac.uk/postgraduate/scholarships/research/various-subject-areas-ukri-cdt-aimlac-phd-2022.php
Imperial College London, Chemical Engineering PhD Scholarship:
Imperial College London is one of the best universities in the UK and is globally recognized as a leading institution in education and research. The department of Chemical Engineering has 10 fully-funded scholarships for applicants with a master’s degree in chemical engineering or a related science field. This scholarship will cover both tuition fees and allowance for maintenance costs. Students should apply by 31st January 2022.
Full details and how to apply can be found here: https://www.imperial.ac.uk/chemical-engineering/courses/postgraduate/phd/scholarships/
The University of Sheffield, Research Scholarships in the Faculties of Engineering, Social Sciences, and Medicine, Dentistry and Health:
The Faculties of Engineering, Social Sciences, and Medicine, Dentistry and Health will be awarding scholarships on a competitive to applicants who wish to start in the academic year 2022/23. The applications will be considered based on academic success and qualifications, experience, research background as well as a proposal for the research project.
Students (British or overseas) should apply by 26th January 2022 to be considered for the scholarship that will cover fees to three and a half years full-time or seven years of part-time study.
Full details can be found: https://www.sheffield.ac.uk/postgraduate/phd/scholarships/faculty