US statement about the national strategy for international education

Continuing to nurture a vibrant community of international students is a foreign policy imperative.
US Secretary of State: Anthony Blinken
US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken announced during the 2021 EducationUSA Forum a joint statement of Principles in Support of International Education from the US Department of State and Department of Education.
The statement addresses the importance of the exchange of students, researchers, scholars, and educators between the United States and other countries and also strengthens the relationships between current and future leaders. It also highlights the role of the US government which is to support international education and its institutions.
Blinken said: “Continuing to nurture a vibrant community of international students is a foreign policy imperative.”
He also praised the higher education system flexible and inventive ways to cope with the challenges brought by the pandemic. As the pandemic is starting to ease, the recovery needs to strengthen the capacity of our higher education institutions, including the provision of international education and care of international students.
The benefits for all persons involved in international exchanges are numerous, from engaging with international peers, working on projects, research leading to enhancement of education, international business, scientific discovery and innovation, and the global economy.
The statements contain a list of actions supporting international education that the departments of State and Education commit to.
These will include:
- Encouragement of more international students to come to the United States (and more American students to study abroad);
- Keeping a strong focus on international education as part of America’s recovery from the pandemic;
- Implementation of policies, procedures, and protocols in order to facilitate international education and authorised practical experiences and at the same time promoting program integrity and protecting national security;
- Clear communication of policy guidance and fair, efficient and transparent support processes for student visas and related services;
- An increase in cooperation between the federal government, US higher education institutions, and the private sector around research and intellectual property protections.
ACE American Council on Education wrote in their news that the statement reflects what the higher education associations have stressed in recent years and it has been necessary by the government to acknowledge the value of international education for U.S. diplomacy, national security, and economic prosperity.
With the release of the statement, the US tries to remain one of the leading study destinations worldwide as the position has been shaken in recent years due to pandemics as well as the international student enrolment declined during the Trump administration.