Groupement FLE French language school

Groupement FLE French language school represents 29 French language schools in France. They offer students, business people or French language learners a variety of courses in schools in 22 different locations in France.
The group’s annual event organized in January reported a 20% increase in membership that the association contribute to a fact that educators’ wish for collaboration and support between members during the challenging times of pandemic. This year’s event was held remotely and attended by all its members.
The new members are three schools in Paris, and one in Tours, La Rochelle, Rennes and Massy.
The spokesperson of the group Eleri Maitland said there had never been a better time joining the group as they prepared an informative training programme and webinars for its members.
All members joining the organization benefit from training but they have to meet the high standards set by Groupement FLE and/or are accredited by the French Government Qualité Fle certification process.
During the event in January, the members discussed government grants, visas, policies and strategies for the language travel sector recovery. The members had a chance to ask questions as the events were attended by representatives from various French institutions and officials such as the General Delegation for the French language that is a part of the Ministry of Culture and Communication.
Groupement FLE President, Gilles Cappadoro highlighted the activities and lobbying of the French authorities by asking the government to support French-language schools. The group showed by this its proactivity and support to its members which sparked the interest of new schools to join the group.
All members acknowledge the importance to be part of a supportive group that cooperates and works towards the same aim, especially during difficult times.