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Boarding schools high achiever in English language teaching

Boarding schools high achiever in English language teaching

According to statistics based on reports from British Council inspection reports, British boarding schools are the top-performing sector in UK EFL. The schools are inspected and given the award in various areas of strength with a maximum of 15 possible strength areas when inspected by the British Council.

On average, a boarding school will be awarded nine areas of strength, the universities eight areas of strength, and five are achieved across the total of all accredited language centres.

The sector performs particularly strongly in welfare, the area important for young learners. The average score of schools is 4.16, compared to 3.95 for summer schools and 3.03 for year-round providers. On the top of the list of schools with the highest score four are boarding schools, however, the highest score overall is given to two summer school providers.

Many boarding schools dwell on hundreds of years of experience for example Matthew Siegal of Stonyhurst (founded in 1592) and St Edmund’s, Harrow and Sherborne are more 400 years old.

Younger boarding schools, nevertheless, can also do well. Just after the war, two language schools were established to promote international integration, and both became successful boarding schools. One of them, St Clare’s Oxford became one of the first UK schools to introduce the International Baccalaureate, and Concord College has had a high scores in the country for A level exam results.

The boarding schools are not required to be inspected by the British Council, they choose this additional accreditation for their English language provision as they typically run summer programmes. The accreditation is a mark of quality and experience that can attract international enrollments.

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