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Bath Spa University – a Welcome Package For New Students

Bath Spa University – a Welcome Package For New Students

As the UK is facing another lockdown, the universities and colleges have decided to follow Government guidance and move all the tuition online. Some have only confirmed this for the duration of the Lent term, but others have advised that for the remainder of the 2020/21 academic year, all compulsory teaching, learning and assessments, including those taking place in Summer Term 2021, will be delivered online.

These changing times affect not only currently enrolled students who are familiar with the school and tutors and their college peers. The new students are the ones who will miss out on their first-time uni life experience.

One university has decided to launch a welcome package for new students to help them to get the feel of belonging at the university. A tailored welcome package by Bath  Spa University named ‘The Bath Spa Start’ is opened to those applying to start an undergraduate course in 2021/22.

Now, more than ever, the support by the university and one-to-one interaction is important and this university offers the students direct access to its community either virtually or physically. It can be through a meeting with a lecturer for an informal chat or a chance to talk to older students. 

The welcome package focuses on students’ health, wellbeing and lifestyle needs that are necessary to be looked after for students to thrive in their studies during these fast-changing times. Once the student’s application is successful, he will be able to select one of three welcome bundles of his choice. All three bundles come with a subscription to digital music service Spotify and mindfulness app Headspace for a year.

Additionally, the Mind and Body Bundle, aimed at those students who work best when they have the time to relax and unwind and includes, subscription to workout programmes. The Entertainment Bundle, keeping students up to date with the latest films and TV, also includes a subscription to Netflix. The Foodie Bundle chosen by students keen on cooking offers extra Hello Fresh deliveries for one month.

The package will offer of accommodation for the new students and a £500 scholarship opportunity to motivate students to work hard awarding those presenting talent or hope in art, performance or achieving excellent grades. The creative or performing arts, achieve better than their predicted grades, or who achieve outstanding exam results of AAB or equivalent.

Professor Sue Rigby from Bath Spa University said:

“By offering this holistic approach to their learning and wellbeing we are confident that they will be equipped with the tools they need to thrive during their degree years, and beyond.”

Bath Spa University was established originally as Bath School of arts in 1852 and since then provide quality of education with programmes in art, design, music, media, education, humanities and business.

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EdM Team

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