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Nord Anglia Education Expanding in China

Nord Anglia Education Expanding in China

In China there is a strong demand in Bilingual education, and for schools that offer besides the Chinese National Curriculum

Nord Anglia Education acquired in Dalian 2 schools, which brings the number of China-based school to 17. The is a port city situated in the northeast part of China in the province of Liaoning.

The two schools that have been acquired by North Anglia Education are the Dalian American International School established in 2006 and, the Dalian Huamei Bilingual School which was set up in 2018, both schools have been sold by the family that started them.

The Lisa Liang, the CEO of DHBS and DAID, stated that “Being part of the Nord Anglia Education represents a considerably better offering for our students. This is really a thrilling new phase for our students, coworkers and college community.”

Whilst both schools are nearby, DHBS is going to teach neighbouring students a bilingual core curriculum centred on the Chinese National Curriculum, comprising the nine-year taught in the Chinese language as required by the Chinese education. In contrast, DAIS is going to offer an international programme for foreign students only. Because of Chinese regulations, local students are forbidden from joining international schools. As learnt by NAE’s CEO, Andrew Fitzmaurice, in China there is a strong demand in Bilingual education, and for schools that offer besides the Chinese National Curriculum and Nord Anglia Education offers both with the addition of internationally-respected teaching and learning. Mr Fitzmaurice said ”together, we are attractive for our students, certifying that they’ll get the education, skills and attitude needed to be global citizens and upcoming leaders.”

As of this academic year, Nord Anglia Education at present has sixty-nine schools in twenty-nine countries, with a total of 67,000 students from nursery all the way through to the end of secondary school. The company has got considerable strategic attention on rapid growth in China, the Middle East, the rest of Asia, the Americas and Europe.

Nord Anglia Education is present with its three schools in Guangzhou, Beijing and Shanghai and has the intention to open another two schools in Jiaxing and Guangzhou in September 2021. The company remains open to expand its business and explore new opportunities in China due to the high demand in international education.

About The Author

Antonio Masiello

Antonio has been working in the education management at senior level for over 15 years. He holds a DMS and an MBA and is a member of the CMI. He is passionate about what is happening in the education field, although he is working full-time at senior level, he finds always the time for writing in our EdMagazine.

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